The Hottest News On Infinite Launch (25/4/2022 - 01/05/2022)

The new staking & farming mechanisms have been updated, PlayZap is ready to debut on Infinite Launch ….are the most prominent highlights on Infinite Launch. Let's take a closer look at these achievements.

PlayZap is ready to debut on Infinite Launch

PlayZap is excited to announce a Private IDO with Infinite Launch. We committed to supporting PlayZap #PlayToEarn ecosystem in the long run to ensure a successful launch as well as sustainable growth!.

PlayZap is a platform built for real-time, multiplayer online games. Our goal is to develop an infrastructure that can power online games that are both fun and engaging for our players. At the same time, we want to build a platform that generates revenue for game developers and content creators, while also rewarding the users for their time investment and their focus. We’re building a framework that will allow anyone to create and publish multiplayer online games on the blockchain, with all the tools needed to succeed.

$ILA Token continued to be burned with monthly schedule

Over 2,966,841 $ILA have been burned with the new max supply: 995,683,122 $ILA.

Infinite Launch is one of the unique launchpads with the burn system making $ILA stronger, KYC is also needed for a safe and fair launchpad, Guaranteed allocation is important, yes you will get Guaranteed on every Tiers Infinite launch, that's very good

$ILA token will increase value in long-term because of token deflationary function, with 1% burn fee in every transaction and 2% fee transfer to ILA reward pool, surging token value in the future.

The new staking & farming mechanisms have been updated

The Previous Staking and Farming Pool closed on 19 Apr 2022. Due to this change, all users are required to unstake all ILA tokens from those pools before 19 Apr 2022. During this time, users could unstake without losing 3% fee. The new Staking Pool and Farming Pool has been publicly gone live on 21 Apr 2022.

With this new Staking & Farming mechanism, users only need to lock ILA to receive APR and join IDO rather than taking two separate steps like previously.

About Infinite Launch
Infinite Launch is a multi-chain launchpad for hand-picked DeFi & NFT projects, with the first-ever mechanism where investors can lock away their tokens for guaranteed IDO allocations. Its mission is to create a decentralized and convenient platform for unique crypto projects to acquire the funding they deserve. Through implementing its innovative allocation system, Infinite Launch established itself as one of the leading Launchpads.

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